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Window and Gutter Cleaning Services in Eastbourne

Our Services

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Most of the information contained on this page applies to the services we carry out for residential customers.
If you are a business interested in our services, please get in touch with us using the contact form, or our contact details, at the bottom of this page.

About Us

Servicing both residential and commercial clients, we're based in Eastbourne and work all over East Sussex – cleaning in the towns and villages of our lovely county. If you're already one of our customers you'll already know how we work – but if you're not, well, check out the 'Services' section to read more about the services that we offer.

We're a family-run business, who began trading in 2008 and we're extremely proud that through the years we have built up such an amazing client base. If you haven't already requested a quote from us for window cleaning or checked out our pricing for gutter cleaning, why not do it now? – We have space for another great customer, and we're certain you won't be disappointed with us.

Health & Safety

To identify the risks associated within our industry we regularly review our risk assessment. This, along with our general method statement (RAMS), greatly reduces the chances of accidents and promotes a healthy and safe way of working. For commercial clients or more complex domestic jobs, site specific risk assessments and method statements are produced. We also hold public liability insurance to the value of £5m. Please contact us if you need more information in relation to our health and safety policies.

Contact Us

What's on your mind? Let us know and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Tel: 07845 802749
Email: service@farnescleaning.co.uk

Farnes Cleaning Services
66 Queens Crescent
East Sussex
BN23 6JR